June Lawn & Landscape Tips
Hello Summer!
June… what a great month for your lawn and landscape!
June is the month when both cool season and warm season turf look great.
June is the month when an abundance of perennials add color to the landscape.
June is the month when shrubs are covered with soft, tender new foliage and so many blooming shrubs are adding splashes of color.
June is the month summer blooming trees start adding color to our world.
June is the month I discover another favorite tree, shrub, perennial or summer annual color every year. What will be my favorite this June?
June is the month that I know there is a good chance around every corner I’m going to stumble upon another fantastic lawn and landscape.
Awe…June is the month when all your lawn and landscape work this spring rewards you with enjoyable evenings on the patio.
Wait…don’t get too comfortable, it is summer and your lawn and landscape needs attention:
June is the month for day lilies to add splashes of color to the landscape.
Mowing – Good mowing practices will have the biggest impact on the quality of your lawn over the summer months. For the best summer turf, get into a routine of mowing often enough that you only remove 1/3 of the leaf blade with each mowing. For Bermuda and zoysia, both warm season turf grasses, this may require mowing every 4 to 5 days. If you mow this often, don’t bag your clippings. The top 1/3 of the grass leaf is 90% moisture and nutrients. The best summer height for warm season turf is 1.5 – 2.5”. Fescue, cool season turf grass, will continue to grow rapidly during early June, but once we consistently have temperatures in the upper 90s it will begin to slow down. The best height for cool season turf in the summer is 3.0 – 3.5”. Both warm season and cool season turfs, don’t respond well to being cut below their recommended height. Cutting the lawn too short discourages root development and having deep roots going into the summer heat is important for both warm and cool season turf.
Fertilizer – Bermuda lawns should be fertilized this month with a higher nitrogen, slow-release fertilizer. The goal in June is to create a healthy Bermuda lawn that will thrive in the summer heat. Fescue lawns should only receive low nitrogen, root stimulating fertilizer during June to prepare them for the summer heat.
One of the biggest concerns we have for fescue lawns right now is too many are being cut too short. Cool season lawns will do better in the summer heat with more leaf space. If you have a fescue lawn, gradually raise your mower to at least 3” this month. I started mowing my fescue lawn a ½ notch higher in May and will increase it another ½ notch this week.
Weed Control – If you subscribe to Hall | Stewart’s Lawn Care Programs and have not skipped any applications this year, your lawn has had two pre-emergent applications. This will provide your lawn with a good barrier to prevent summer annual grassy weeds. But, if not, you may have some grassy weeds, most common is crabgrass, showing up in your lawn. June is a good month to control grassy weeds while they are still young plants. Once they mature, stronger products will need to be used which can cause turf damage. If nutsedge is making an appearance in your lawn it is best not to pull it. When you pull nutsedge and do not remove the nut below the surface, the plant becomes stressed and multiplies.
You can expect to see Black Eyed Susans, a perennial brighten the landscape this month.
Crabgrass is a very fast growing summer annual grassy weed. If you did not get a pre-emergent on your lawn early this year, you are almost certain to have crabgrass growing in your lawn. Treat now with a grassy weed control herbicide. If you wait until July to control, harsh products that will damaged desirable turf will have to be used.
Tree & Shrub Care – The best thing you can do for your trees and shrubs this month is give them your attention. Make it a routine to walk around the landscape looking for plants that just don’t look their best. Most insects are great at camouflage and are hard to spot before you have damaged leaves. Start watching for spider mites. If you notice pale and specked foliage, shake the leaves over a white sheet of paper. If you see tiny specks that start to move, you have spider mites and should schedule a treatment. Be on the watch for bagworms on needle evergreens. When they are young, they are hard to spot. If you notice your evergreens losing color, there is a good chance bagworms are the problem. With all insect and disease issues we subscribe to an integrated pest management approach. With our Tree & Shrub Program, we inspect for issues with each visit. Most problems are easier to control the earlier you notice them. If you notice any issues with your plants, please let us know.
If you notice pale or speckled foliage on boxwood shrubs, shake a branch over a white paper. If you see tiny specks that start to move, you need to spray for spider mites.
As temperatures warm up in June be on the lookout for aphids.
Soft scale can be a problem on Redbud trees. A small 1/16-1/8”, reddish, oval scale that is often found on small twigs and can cause small branches to die if not treated. A treatment plan in late winter with a dormant oil with follow-up treatments in late spring and early summer with a horticultural oil is required.
The lacy blooms of June are a wonderful contrast to the big leaves of the Oak Leak Hydrangea.
A benefit on not having a late cold spell this spring…Crape Myrtles are already starting to bloom.
I’m always on the look out for new landscape plant materials. This year we have planted a few Orange Rocket Barberry. Typically Barberries have an oval or spreading growth pattern. But the Orange Rocket is known for its upright, compact growth habit.
Bag worms start out small and hard to see. Take time to inspect your needle evergreen shrubs this month.
Bagworms start out very small and are hard to see. Take time to inspect your needle evergreens before they cause damage.
Annual Color — Sunpatien and Joseph’s Coat
Endless Summer Hydrangeas will make their first big burst of color this month.
Shasta Daisies, a perennial, will bloom from early June through mid-summer. They make great cut flowers.
Who cant help but fall in love with Oakleaf Hydrangeas at this time of year. Their brilliant large flowers demand attention.
Later this month Mimosa trees will add bright pink, feathery flowers to the landscape.
Shrub Pruning – June is the last month to prune spring blooming shrubs. Spring blooming shrubs start setting flower buds by mid-summer. A few examples of spring blooming shrubs: forsythia, quince, bridal wreath spirea, and azalea. If the shrub is overgrown, use thinning cuts to reduce the size and increase air flow into the center of the plant. Make thinning cuts by removing branches back to the main trunk or another branch. If the shrub only needs a little shaping, make heading cuts near the end of branches. But, remember that all shrubs will perform at their best if they are allowed to grow without heavy pruning or shearing.
Planted in mass Stella D’oro Daylily’s add bright splashes of yellow to the landscape during June.
If your Azaleas have become overgrown or need shaping, June is your last chance to prune them before they start setting buds for next spring.
Watering – “How much to water” may be one of the most misunderstood aspects of managing a lawn and landscape. Develop the practice of watering based only on need. During the summer months, anytime we get a ½” rain or more, turn your system off for a few days. Depending on afternoon temperatures, a 1” rainfall may save you a week’s worth of water. The converse is true as well. If we go a week without receiving a 1” of rainfall, you need to be watering. Another clue it is time to start watering… when you walk on the lawn, if the grass doesn’t spring back up and your footsteps remain in the lawn, it is time to start watering. Remember, deep soakings are always better than short, frequent watering. Shallow, frequent watering results in lawns with less roots and more dependent on water. Throughout the summer make it a habit to inspect your landscape and adjust. Don’t set your irrigation controller at the beginning of the season, never touching it again until the fall.
My watering goal for June is a good deep soaking every 4 days. If temperatures stay under 90 degrees and we get occasional rain, I’ll save money and water, and still have a great lawn and landscape. The key to this plan is taking a little time to monitor and adjust.
Trumpet Vine
Mulch – Add mulch to your landscape plantings this month. A 2” layer of mulch will retain moisture, cool the soil, and reduce weed germination. We prefer premium shredded all bark cedar mulch because it doesn’t float as much and aesthetically looks great. For acid-loving plants such as hydrangeas and azaleas, pecan hulls or pine bark mulch is a great choice.
Endless Summer Hydrangea
Goldflame Spirea
Annual color planting of Joseph Coat, Sunpatien, and Marigold make a great yellow/orange color scheme.
Brown Patch – Be on the lookout for brown patch in your fescue lawn. June is the most active month for this disease in fescue lawns. Anytime nighttime temperatures are 70 degrees plus and the turf remains damp for over 6 hours at a time, brown patch will develop. Areas where there is little air movement and/or heavy shade are more prone because the turf stays wet longer. Brown patch will make the lawn appear it needs more water, but watering will just make it worse. So, before you water more, think about the site, the amount of shade, the air movement in the area, and the amount of moisture the area has received. The best thing you can do if this problem occurs is to stop watering.
One of the most self-inflicted problems with fescue lawns is watering practices that promote the development of brown patch. Always allow your fescue time to dry out between waterings. Avoid watering fescue in the evening during the summer.
If you subscribe to Hall | Stewart’s 7-Step Lawn Care Program and have fescue, you will receive a fungicide this month designed to suppress the brown patch fungus.
Brown Patch will make fescue look like it needs more water, but the problem is actually the result of the leaf blades staying wet for over 6 hours at a time when nighttime temperatures are in the 70s.
Yarrow is a perennial that produces yellow flowers in late May and early June.
Also, Cone Flower, another summer perennial will make a showing in June.
There are many varieties of Spirea’s with yellow and green foliage that put on blooms in the early summer.
Anthony Waterer Spirea is a medium sized shrub that is covered with pink flowers in late May and early June.
Aeration – Mechanical aeration is a “best” practice for any lawn. Aeration reduces soil compaction, promotes root development, and thickens the turf. May and June are the best months to aerate Bermuda. This one practice will make a significant difference in the quality of your turf. The stronger the turf, the less weed problems you will experience.
Insects – Regularly scheduled treatments for fleas & ticks, mosquitos, and perimeter insect control around your house should continue during the summer. The goal is to make outdoor living for your family and pets the best possible.
Southern Magnolia trees produce large white flowers in early summer. Teddy Bear and Little Gem Dwarf Southern Magnolia are great plants for smaller landscapes.
Texas Red Yucca produce tall red flowering spikes this month. There are several varieties. Brakelights Res Yucca is a favorite.
Awe…June…Spend time outside, in your lawn and landscape, enjoying the beauty every day!
If you have any questions, please send us an email or call.
Lorne Hall
Hall | Stewart Lawn + Landscape