Summertime = water time!
This week marked the official start of summer. June 21st, known as the summer solstice, is the longest day of the year.
It appears our weather got the memo. Suddenly, temperatures are flirting with triple digits and suddenly there is less rain in the forecast.
As temperatures rise and rainfall declines, it is important to develop the best watering practices.
Good watering practices start with being aware of current weather patterns and adjusting watering schedules.
Good watering practices need to be your number one focus in the landscape for the next few weeks.
Good watering practices will have the biggest influence on the health and appearance of your lawn and landscape for the rest of the summer.
Best Watering Practices:
Apply 1” to 1.5” of water per week.
Your lawn and landscape need 1” to 1.5” of moisture per week when temperatures are consistently 90 degrees or higher.
Which begs the question: “How long should I water?”
Every irrigation system is different – different head types, different size nozzles, different head spacing, different soils, different slopes, etc.
The best way to know how long you should water is to measure the amount of water your system puts out in each zone. Take a few cans and place them around your lawn in a random pattern. Run your sprinklers through a cycle and measure the amount of water in the cans. If the sprinklers ran for 15 minutes and you had .25” of water, that zone needs a total of 60 to 90 minutes of run time per week.
Next, determine how long you can run your irrigation before there is excessive runoff. This will tell you how many times per week you need to water. If you can get away with watering every 4th day, you will have a healthier, stronger landscape. Unfortunately, with our tight soils, watering every other day on the required ODD/EVEN system during the hottest times is needed to get the correct amount of water on the lawn without excessive runoff.
If you don’t have the time to audit the amount of water your system puts out, start with these settings, monitor, and adjust:
Fixed spray pattern heads with 10-15’ spacings – 15 mins per time.
Larger rotor type heads on 20-30’ spacings – 30 mins per time.
Currently, I am watering my fescue lawn every 4 days using the best practices mentioned here. Because of recently planted annuals and perennials, my landscape is currently being watered every other day. I will continue the 4-day schedule for the lawn until I see signs of stress from lack of water.
Set your controller to water with back-to-back run times.
For most of our landscapes, if you run our sprinklers long enough to get the recommended amount of water, you end up with a lot of water running down the street. Splitting zone run time in half and setting the controller to run through the zones back to back will improve the amount of water that soaks in and reduce the amount of water that runs off.
Example: Set the controller to run at 4:00 AM and 5:00 AM. When the 4:00 cycle completes, even if it is past 5:00, the controller will start the second cycle.
I know from experience that moist soil will absorb more water than dry soil. Soil is just like the sponge in your sink. A dried-out sponge repels water before it starts absorbing water. Your lawn is the same. The first cycle moistens the soil and the second cycle soaks in.
Split, back-to-back, irrigation cycles are an old golf course trick. For years, large commercial irrigation controllers have had a run/soak cycle setting that waters a short time, delays, and then waters a longer time. Now, more and more smart controllers offer a run/soak cycle feature.
I started using split, back-to-back, irrigation cycles a few years ago on lawns with slopes.
After seeing great results, I started incorporating the concept on all lawns.
It makes a difference in watering efficiency.
Water in the early morning.
Evaporation is at its lowest point in the pre-dawn hours. Typically, the wind is also at the lowest point of the day in the pre-dawn hours.
I prefer to set most irrigation controllers to start at 4:00 AM with the goal of having the cycle completed by 8:00 AM.
Avoid watering in the heat of the day when much of the water will be lost to evaporation. Also, avoid watering in the evening. Watering in the evening promotes many turf diseases because the lawn stays wet too long.
This is critical for fescue lawns. If fescue stays wet for more than 6 hours at a time and nighttime temperatures are in the 70s, brown patch is unavoidable. Fescue performs best in the heat if it is watered deeply, and grass blades are dry by noon.
If you water your fescue lawn in both the morning and the evening during the summer because you “can’t seem to get enough water on it!”, your lawn isn’t struggling because it is too dry, your lawn is struggling because you have created the perfect conditions for brown patch, a fescue lawn’s worst enemy.
Daily watering is not needed.
Unless you are trying to get newly planted seed to germinate or new sod to take root, there is not a good reason to water every day. Always water deep and infrequent. Daily, shallow watering creates a landscape that is shallow-rooted and more dependent on constant moisture for survival.
Fescue will also benefit from deep soakings, every other day, through the summer months. Shallow, daily watering in the summer heat is very damaging to fescue. Again: Brown patch symptoms look very similar to drought stress. Typically, the more you water, the worse the fescue looks, so you add more water, and the cycle of decline continues.
A common myth I would love to dispel is that fescue requires a lot more water than Bermuda. Yes, it does for a couple of weeks in the fall when you are trying to get newly seeded fescue to germinate, but mature fescue doesn’t require more moisture than Bermuda.
Aeration improves moisture absorption.
You can’t beat aeration for improving your soil structure. A key benefit of improved soil structure is better water absorption. Lawns that receive annual aeration (or at least every other year) do not experience as much runoff.
Always pay attention to water needs.
If we receive 1/2” of rain or more, turn your controller off for a few days. Install a rain sensor if you are not good at remembering. A rain sensor will pay for itself easily in one season.
Just because it is summer, don’t assume you can leave your controller in automatic and forget it.
Don’t stress if your lawn and landscape get a little dry, it will rebound quickly once water is applied.
A good indicator that your lawn is needing water is the footprint test. If the grass retains your footprints instead of quickly springing back, it is time to resume watering.
Watch for uneven water patterns.
If you notice areas where the lawn color is fading, you may have uneven moisture patterns. This could be the result of a broken head, a clogged nozzle, or a head that is out of adjustment.
Even if you don’t have an irrigation system, the concepts of good watering apply.
It is important to learn how long you need to water when you are using a hose-end sprinkler. Next time you water, set out a few cans. You will be surprised how long you need to water to get the proper amount of water on your lawn.
Invest in a digital hose water timer, such as the ones made by Orbit. It will make it easier for you to control the timing and frequency of watering.
If you need help in determining your lawn and landscape’s water needs, let us know.
We can schedule an irrigation audit for your lawn and landscape. We will inspect for uneven water distribution, absorb water rates, make recommended irrigation changes, and set the controller for optimal operation. Give us a call if we can help – (405)367-3873.
A healthy landscape is an important part of our environment.
A healthy turf helps clean the air, trap carbon dioxide, reduce erosion, improve groundwater quality, absorb noise, reduce temperatures, as well as adds curb appeal and value to your home.
A key component of a healthy landscape is correct water usage.
Lorne Hall
Hall | Stewart Lawn + Landscape
Where Are the April Showers?
It is rare to be addressing watering practices in April. Who thinks about watering issues in April?
Regardless of the time of year, one of the best practices for your lawn and landscape is to pay attention to rainfall and supplement with good watering practices when needed.
Good watering practices start with being aware of current weather patterns and making adjustments to watering schedules.
Good watering practices are one of the biggest influences in the health and appearance of your landscape.
The west and north areas of the Oklahoma City metro are way behind on spring moisture. Lawns and landscapes that are not receiving supplemental moisture are showing signs of drought stress. Unfortunately, most people are not used to paying attention to their lawn & landscape’s moisture needs in April.
Best Watering Practices:
Your lawn and landscape need 1” of water per week during the spring.
A common question is “How long should I water?” Every irrigation system is different – different head types, different size nozzles, different head spacing, different areas, etc.
The best way to know how long you should water is to measure the amount of water your system puts out in each zone. Take a few cans and place them around your lawn in a random pattern. Run your sprinklers through a cycle and measure the amount of water in the cans. If the sprinklers ran for 15 minutes and you had .25” of water, you need 60 minutes per week.
Next, determine how long you can run your irrigation before there is excessive runoff. This will tell you how many times per week you need to water.
If you can get away with watering every 4th-day versus every other day, you will have a healthier, stronger lawn and landscape.
If you don’t have the time to audit the amount of water your system puts out, start with these settings, monitor, and adjust:
Fixed spray pattern heads with 10-15’ spacings – 15 mins per time.
Larger rotor type heads on 20-30’ spacings – 30 mins per time.
Set your controller to water with back-to-back run times.
For most of our landscapes, if we run our sprinklers long enough to get the recommended amount of water, we end up with a lot of water running down the street. Splitting zone run time in half and setting the controller to run through the zones back to back will improve the amount of water that soaks in and reduce the amount of water that runs off.
Example: Set the controller to run at 4:00 AM and 5:00 AM. When the 4:00 cycle completes, even if it is after 5:00, the controller will start the second cycle.
Moist soil will absorb more water than dry soil. Soil is just like the sponge in your sink. A dried sponge repels water before it starts absorbing water. Your landscape is the same. The first cycle moistens the soil and the second cycle soaks in.
Split, back-to-back, irrigation cycles are an old golf course trick.
I started using split, back-to-back, irrigation cycles a few years ago on lawns with slopes.
After seeing great results, I started incorporating the concept on all lawns.
It makes a difference in watering efficiency.
Water in the early morning.
Evaporation is at its lowest point in the pre-dawn hours. Also, the wind is usually at the lowest point of the day in the pre-dawn hours. I prefer to set most irrigation controllers to start at 4:00 AM with the goal of having the cycle completed by 8:00 AM.
Avoid watering in the heat of the day when much of the water will be lost to evaporation. Also, avoid watering in the evening. Watering in the evening promotes many turf diseases because the lawn stays wet too long.
Daily watering is not needed.
Unless you are trying to get newly planted seed to germinate or new sod to take root, there is not a good reason to water every day. Always water deep and infrequent. Daily, shallow watering creates a landscape that is shallow-rooted and more dependent on constant moisture for survival.
Fescue will benefit from a deep soaking just like Bermuda. A common myth I would love to dispel is that fescue requires a lot more water than Bermuda. Yes, it is when you are trying to get newly seeded fescue to germinate, but mature fescue doesn’t require more moisture than Bermuda.
I water my fescue the same way I water Bermuda – deep, infrequent cycles.
Aeration improves moisture absorption.
You can’t beat aeration for improving your soil structure. A key benefit of improved soil structure is better water absorption. Lawns that receive annual aeration (or at least every other year) do not experience as much runoff.
Always pay attention to water need.
If we receive .5” of rain or more, turn your controller off for a few days. Install a rain sensor if you are not good at remembering. A rain sensor will pay for itself easily in one season. Don’t assume you can leave your controller in automatic and forget it.
Don’t stress if your lawn and landscape gets a little dry, it will rebound quickly once water is applied.
A good indicator that your lawn is needing water is the footprint test. If the grass retains your footprints instead of quickly springing back, it is time to resume watering.
Watch for uneven water patterns.
If you notice areas where the lawn color is fading, you may have uneven moisture patterns. This could be the result of a broken head, a clogged nozzle, or a head that is out of adjustment.
Even if you don’t have an irrigation system, the concepts of good watering still apply.
It is important to learn how long you need to water when you are using a hose-end sprinkler. Next time you water, set out a few cans. You will be surprised how long you need to water to get the proper amount of water on your lawn. Invest in a digital hose water timer, such as ones made by Orbit. It will make it easier for you to control the timing and frequency of watering.
A healthy landscape is an important part of our environment. A healthy turf helps clean the air, trap carbon dioxide, reduce erosion, improve groundwater quality, absorb noise, reduce temperatures, as well as, adds curb appeal and value to your home.
Let’s hope metro-wide spring moisture arrives soon.
Our environment needs it. Our lawns and landscapes need it.
But, if it doesn’t, be prepared to put the best watering practices in place.
Lorne Hall
Hall | Stewart Lawn + Landscape
Fescue in the off season!
All turf grasses have an offseason. A season when they are not at their prime. For warm season grasses, it is the winter. No one expects their bermuda lawn to be green and actively growing in January. Everyone understands that it is dormant.
What about a cool season turf? When is fescue’s off season?
Fescue is at its best in the spring and fall, often has greenish-brown freeze burnt leaves in the dead of winter but goes through an off season during July and August when temperatures average 90 plus.
One of the advantages of fescue, when best practices are followed, is it will keep good color during its off season, unlike bermuda. Bermuda will always have more color than fescue in July and August, but March through early June and September into December, you can’t beat the greens of a fescue lawn.
Bermuda is the dominate turf in our region, but it doesn’t grow in shade. Fescue is the preferred turf for shady areas. Gracefully aging neighborhoods in the Oklahoma City area are full of mature trees and lawns that have transitioned from bermuda to fescue. Every homeowner eventually must face the need for fescue in their landscape.
How do you keep a fescue lawn looking its best in the summer heat?
Let’s run through a list of best and worst practices for fescue during its off season.
Best practices for keeping fescue looking good during July and August:
Mow fescue at 3” – 3 ½”. The more leaf space the better color and the more draught tolerant the lawn will be.
Water deep. Water infrequent. Water in the early morning. Fescue lawns that are receiving 1 ½” of moisture per week, on an every other day schedule, only in the early morning, look the best in the heat of summer.
Fescue lawns that receive at least some dappled sunlight look the best during the summer heat.
Fescue lawns that are aerated in the fall have stronger root systems and can better withstand hot, dry days.
Worst practices for fescue during the summer heat:
Fescue cut too short. Remember leaf blades store moisture the plant needs to withstand the summer heat.
Stop watering twice per day, morning and evening, every day. Short and frequent watering does far more harm than good. It is a myth that fescue needs to be kept wet during the summer heat. When temperatures are hot and fescue stays consistently wet for more than 6 hours at a time, brown patch will damage the turf. When brown patch starts spreading in a fescue lawn it looks like the lawn needs more water. The natural response is to water more which makes the problem worse. On most site visits I made in the past two weeks where customers were concerned about their fescue, I discovered brown patch was the problem. In each case the homeowner had increased watering to two times per day, morning and evening, every day.
Heavy shade and low air circulation. Fescue performs best if it receives some light every day. Fescue will tolerate more sun than most realize and does well in full sun when it is watered and mowed properly. Air circulation plays the important role of drying the leaf blades between watering cycles. Small backyards, with wood fences, and heavy shade are the hardest on fescue in July and August.
Tight clay soil that has never been aerated result in shallow rooted fescue that will struggle in the heat.
During fescue’s offseason take a stroll around your lawn and start planning for the fall. The cooler days of September will be here soon.
Do you need to make some changes to how you are mowing and watering your fescue?
Are you trying to grow fescue in full shade, in a location where there is little wind movement? If so, can you improve the conditions, or should you consider transitioning to a shade tolerant ground cover?
If your fescue didn’t perform well due to the excessive moisture and high humidity of the early summer, or if it has struggled with brown patch in the heat, start making plans to overseed this fall.
Do you have areas of the lawn that are becoming too shady for bermuda? Bermuda starts to thin anywhere it does not get at least 8 hours of direct sunlight every day. Is this the fall to start establishing fescue in those areas?
Whether you have a full fescue lawn or just some fescue in shady areas, don’t fret, fescue’s best season is just a few weeks away!
Lorne Hall
Hall | Stewart Lawn + Landscape