Crabgrass Jr Takes Over The Hall | Stewart Blog
The first signs of crabgrass every spring is in areas of bare soil.
Without a spring pre-emergent your lawn will be more crabgrass than turfgrass by midsummer.
Crabgrass is an aggressive annual grassy weed. A single seed that starts growing in March will be a large grassy weed by early July.
How aggressive is crabgrass? This is a picture from April 2022 of crabgrass 4 weeks after soul temperatures reached 55 degrees, the point that crabgrass starts to germinate.
Crabgrass may be the most feared weed of all. So feared, and so well known, that it is common for lawn owners to refer to any weed in their lawn as “crabgrass.”
Crabgrass should be feared. Crabgrass is a prolific grower and if left unattended will rapidly dominate turf.
Yet, crabgrass is one of the earliest annual summer weeds to prevent when pre-emergent herbicides are applied correctly and timely.
The Hall | Stewart promise is to make sure the best pre-emergent herbicides are applied at the correct label rates and at the correct time each spring to prevent summer annual weeds from germinating in your lawn.
If you are a subscriber to either the Hall | Stewart 7-Step Weed Control & Fertilizer Program or the Hall | Stewart 4-Step Weed Control Only, we will prevent crabgrass from growing in your lawn this year.
When pre-emergent herbicides are applied at the right time in the spring, you can have a crabgrass free lawn all summer.
We have been visiting customer’s lawns since early January, and we will make sure all our customers’ lawns are protected before crabgrass germinates in March.
If you are not on a Hall | Stewart Lawn Care Program, please give us a call.
Our Goal: To help everyone have their best lawn…this year!
Lorne Hall
Hall | Stewart Lawn + Landscape