Good Mowing Practices Make a Big Difference!
Great lawns are the result of well-timed lawn care applications, perfect weather conditions, and proper maintenance practices.
Unfortunately, the impact of good mowing practices is often overlooked.
When it comes to a great lawn, mowing practices are more important than the fertilizer you use, the weed control applications that are made, and the amount of water used.
Getting mowing right comes down to three critical practices: mowing height, mowing frequency, and managing the clippings.
Mowing Height
Grasses adapt well to various mowing heights, but there is a direct relationship between mowing height and a healthy turf. As the height of the grass is increased, the root system increases. As the height is lowered, the root system decreases. A taller turf yields a healthier root system and a lawn that will withstand more stress. As the height and density increase, there is less room available for weeds to germinate and grow.
Optimal cutting heights vary based on the type of grass and the time of year. All turf grass should start the season low and gradually increase in height over the course of the summer. The goal is to have your lawn at its thickest and tallest height during the heat of summer.
Fescue is at its best when it is cut between 2.5” to 3.5”.
Bermuda is best maintained between 1.5” to 2.5”, but Tiff Type Bermuda should be maintained shorter, .5” to 1.5”.
Areas of shade need to be mowed at the maximum height. The increase in leaf space will allow the plant the best possible chance to survive in the lower light.
A best lawn maintenance practice is to not remove more than 1/3 of the leaf blade when mowing.
Currently I’m trying to maintain my fescue lawn at 3”.
Yesterday with the fescue reaching over 4” it was time to cut it back to 3”.
Mowing Frequency
Probably the biggest hindrance to having a great lawn is mowing on a schedule, not on need. Most people mow their lawns once a week during the growing season. We all understand why. We are busy and our only opportunity to mow is on our day off. Or, you may have a landscape management company that mows the lawn once per week.
But, for the absolute best lawn, mow based on the 1/3 rule rather than a set schedule. For example: If you desire to maintain your fescue at 3”, you should never let your lawn grow over 4.5”. If you want to keep your Bermuda lawn at 2”, then you need to mow before it exceeds 3”, not just because it’s Saturday and you always mow on Saturday.
Whenever you remove more than 1/3 of the grass in a single mowing, you are cutting below the plant leaf and into the stem. If you see yellow or brown areas after you mow, you are cutting more than 1/3.
Turf grass research shows when you cut into the stems the plant responds by using nutrients stored in the root system to regenerate leaves. This reduces the strength, health, and density of the root system and results in a weaker turf.
What should you do when your lawn becomes too tall, and you need to cut off 50% or more to get back to the desired height? Cut 1/3 off, wait a couple of days and then cut another 1/3 off. Repeat until you reclaim the height you desire.
There is no doubt that frequent mowing at a uniform height, whether short or tall, is one of the most important aspects of having a great lawn.
Mowing with a mulching mower will return valuable clippings to the lawn. Grass clippings are mostly water and nitrogen.
Managing the Clippings
When you are able to mow frequently using the 1/3 rule, I recommend not catching the clippings. Turf grass leaves are 80-90% water and nitrogen. Grass clippings decompose very quickly and add nutrients back to the turf.
Not bagging your clippings is a major step in improving your lawn’s quality.
When you bag your clippings, you throw a little of your fertilizer away every time you cut the lawn.
Most years, I bag my fescue lawn a couple of times per year, the first time each spring and September when I cut the lawn short in preparation for overseeding. So far this season, I have managed to dodge the rain interruptions, stay on my typical 4-to-5-day mowing habit and my mower’s grass bag has remained in the garage since the first cut of the season.
A common belief is that when you don’t bag your clippings you are increasing thatch buildup. As long as you are only cutting the leaves and not the stems, thatch will not become a problem.
Mulch mowing will not only return nutrients to your lawn, it will also return moisture. This picture was taken late July 2022 during a heat wave and drought. At this point the lawn was being watered deeply every 4 days, cut at 3”, and mulch mowed.
Alternating your mowing pattern will not only reduce compaction, but it will add a professional look to your lawn.
Two Important Bonus Practices:
1. Mower blades should always be kept sharp. Dull blades bruise the leaf resulting in frayed leaves and a duller lawn appearance.
2. Vary your mowing pattern throughout the season to reduce soil compaction. Changing your mowing pattern will also improve turf appearance. I recommend rotating through at least three different mowing patterns. For example: mow parallel to the street, the next time mow at a 45-degree angle, followed by mowing perpendicular to the street or at the opposite 45-degree angle.
Changing the mowing pattern will reduce soil compaction and improve turf appearance.
Lawn mowing is the most time-consuming landscape practice.
It has to be performed more frequently than fertilizing, weed control, bed weeding, shrub trimming, and flower planting.
It is easy to allow mowing to become just another task that has to be done. But, a well, properly maintained lawn is well worth the time and effort.
Nothing adds more curb appeal to a property than a well-groomed lawn.
Lorne Hall
Hall | Stewart Lawn + Landscape
PS - The abundance of rain coupled with the warm night-time temperatures of July, Brown Patch is a Fescue lawn's biggest challenge currently. If you have Fescue, click this link and take a minute to learn more.